Mantra Mala - 'I open my heart'
Mantra Mala - 'I open my heart'
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Mantra mala in rhodonite, pink opal and rose quartz with pauses of phosphosiderite and rock crystal Guru
Rhodonite should help you bring the love you want into your life. Let it foster selflessness, love, forgiveness and generosity. It should also create more peace and security and help you work with your emotions. It can help with anxiety and give you more self-confidence and self-esteem.
Pink opal is a powerful stone for emotional balancing and for emotional issues. It can relieve sadness and negative emotions stemming from your past and its peaceful energy helps you make peace with these bad memories and move on. This stone is very good for sensitive personalities. The color and energy of the pink opal is linked to the heart chakra and thus to the universal love that flows freely in the universe. It will always remind you to forgive and love.
Rose quartz is pure love. It can be understood both in the romantic way, but also as love and openness to the entire universe. Rose quartz opens your heart chakra and lets love flow freely. Universal love - compassion, happiness, forgiveness and peace.
Phosphosiderite is a stone with a calming effect, which should help you get rid of stress and anxiety. Because of its warm purple color, it is often associated with the heart chakra and the third eye. A stone that also fosters spirituality and tranquility for contemplation and meditation. Let the loving yet powerful energies of Phosphosiderite calm your breath and allow you to look within.
Rock crystal may be one of the most common stones, but don't be fooled. It is one of the absolute superstars and is used to increase and multiply the energies of other stones. It is linked to the crown chakra and can thus help you access the universal consciousness - your frequency to the universe. It allows you to be patient and open, and then it helps you see the world in a clear and positive light. Use rock crystal as your Guru on the path to insight and wisdom.
A mantra jewelry with meaning:
All mantra jewelry is handmade, with love, with good energy and is created from materials of high quality and strength. The tassel in the malas is tied in a special way, developed by Marlene Schnoor herself. When the mantra jewelry is finished binding, it is given a mantra that matches its energy and its stone.
Marlene Schnoor believes that words are a form of energy and a lot of time is therefore spent on finding the right words to attach to these mantra jewellery. You can therefore use them for meditation, but also to create focus in yourself - by wearing them and feeling their weight. Feel their words and their materiality and carry your mantra with you through your everyday life.
How to care for your jewelry:
Here you will get a guide on how to take best care of your new Mantra jewellery.
It is important to take good care of your mala or bracelet if you want it to help you for a long time.
Like all other jewellery, it can break, so here are tips on how to take care of it as well as possible.
- Always treat your mantra jewelry with respect
- Be careful and loving when taking it on and off
- Do not tie it around the wrist like a bracelet (malas)
- Never expose it to water or water vapor in large quantities
- Do not hide it away in small closed rooms, but give it air and freedom
- Do not drop it or let small children play with it.
Your mantra jewelry is a tool. A tool for meditation, yoga, manifestation and mindfulness. In short, it's an investment in you and your dreams. So be good about it.
Approx. 60-65 cm from logo to the end of the tassel.
108 pearls in high quality stone - 8mm
4 break stones in high quality - 4mm
1 Guru pearl in high quality stone - 10mm
All malas are tied on strong nylon cord for best durability.
There may be slight color differences in the natural stones, slight variations in the length of the mala and slight differences in the length and thickness of the tassel as no two malas end up being the same - they are each hand tied.
However, the mala you buy is always in the same type of stone and set on the same color cord as the one you find in the picture.
*Be aware that malas and other mantra jewelry cannot cure serious physical or mental illness. Mantra jewelry is intended as mental tools for yoga, meditation, manifestation, mindfulness, and self-development - not for curing disease.
Sådan passer du på dit smykke
Behandl altid dit Mantra smykke med respekt. Malaen og især dens Guru-perle, ses traditionelt på som et symbol for netop din Guru. Så vær respektfuld omkring dit smykke og vær varsom med det. Jo bedre du behandler det, jo længere vil det kunne tjene og guide dig.
Vælg dit smykke til - hver dag
I forlængelse af det ovenforstående, såær varsom og kærlig, når du tager dit smykke af og på. En anbefaling fra vores side er, at du hver morgen aktivt vælger dit smykke til og ligeledes hver aften giver slip og lader dit mantra og din intention få ro og hvile. Sov ikke med dine Mantra smykker, da det slider unødigt på dem og se det som et lille ritual at vælge dine ord hver morgen.
Intet vand, tak!
Udsæt ikke dit Mantra smykke for vand eller vanddamp. Især ikke Mantra smykker bundet på snor. ENERGY armbånd kan bedre tåle vand, men undgå det så vidt muligt.
Nogle steder vil du finde guides, der siger at du skal rense din malas energi med havvand. Det vil vi kraftigt fraråde, da det vil slide meget på snoren, malaen er bundet på.
Pas på de små
Lad ikke små børn lege med det. Hvis uheldet er ude og snoren sprænger, så kan de små perler sætte sig fast i halsen på små, nysgerrige børn.
Tab ikke dit smykke
Tab ikke dit smukke på et hårdt gulv. Det kan slå en perle i stykker, da perlerne er af æge sten. Nogle stentyper er mere delikate og porøse end andre.
Farver og variationer
Der kan være små farveforskelle i de naturlige sten, små variationer i længden af malaen og små forskelle i længden og tykkelsen af kvasten, da ikke to malaer ender med at være ens.
Afhjælper IKKE alvorlig fysisk eller psykisk sygdom
Malaer og andre Mantra-smykker kan ikke afhjælper alvorlig fysisk eller psykisk sygdom. Mantra-smykker er ment som værktøjer til meditation, yoga, mindfulness, manifestation og selvindsigt.
Dit mantra-smykke er et værktøj. Et værktøj til meditation, yoga, manifestation og mindfulness. Kort sagt, det er en investering i dig og dine drømme.
Læs vores størrelsesguide, før du vælger armbånd. Læs med her
Mere end blot et smykke
Et Mantra smykke er et smykke fyldt med mening, intention og energi.
Hvert eneste af vores Mantra smykker er håndlavede med masser af kærlighed og god energi.
Vælger du et Mantra smykke vælger du høj kvalitet og styrke - både materialemæssigt og energimæssigt.
Vi tror på at ord er en form for energivi bruger meget tid på at knytte de helt rette ord på de smukke sten, som Mantra smykkerne er bundet med.
Brug dem til meditation og yoga, men brug dem også aktivt som et 'awareness-værktøj' i din hverdag. En lille påmindelse om at dine ord skaber din verden.